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Ágnes Sztahura organist

Miskolc, 07. 04. 1978.


At seven years old she started to interested in music in Tiszaújváros, where her teachers realised her sensitivity and her talent soon. After they moved to Miskolc she studied in the elementary school on Fazekas Street in a musical class, from there she went to the Bartók Béla Academy of Music Specialized Secondary School in Miskolc for Organ–Church music academic specialization. Her individual technique, fast adjustment and remarkable talent with the organ was developed quickly in that school.

At seventeen years old in 1995 – she had the first remarkable concert experience, as a special prize she won the right to give a concert with the Doráti Chamber Orchestra from Salgótarján.

At ninteen years old in 1997 – as an organist she performed in László Kátai’s Requiem’s world premiére.

She continued her studies at the Liszt Ferenc University of Music, both on organist-teacher and church musician profession. During the university her teacher and master, Gábor Lehotka had the most impression on her. He always supported and developed her individual style. During these years she took part in David Titterington’s master class several times.

During and after the university she was a constant participant in the musical life of Miskolc and the outskirts, Hungary and the Carpathian basin. She gave many concerts as a concert organist as well a guest perfomer. She gets invitations regularly for church and state celebartions from many parts of the country as well from beyond the frontier with the contribution of the Hungarian Embassies.

In her daily job she is working as a piano-teacher, which gives her the opportunity to help the talented youths. As a church cantor she can speak to the people with her music, her voice and with the conduct of the church choir.

„ Filled with God and Faith.”
„We are passing through the earth. The talent we got we use to give more love and good to the world.”-Ágnes Sztahura



Name: Ágnes Sztahura

Address: 3519, Miskolc-Tapolca, Fenyő Street 53.

Phone Number: 30/461-6015

Date of birth: 07. 04. 1978.

Place of birth: Miskolc

Marital Status: single

Studies, qualifications


1996-2001: Liszt Ferenc University of Music, Budapest – organist-teacher profession

1996-2001: Liszt Ferenc University of Music, Budapest – church music profession

1996-2001: Master Class of David Titterington

Secondary School:

1992-1996: Bartók Béla Academy of Music Specialized Secondary School, Miskolc – organ-church music profession; final examination, secondary organist, secondary church musician

Primary School:

1988-1992: Primary School on the Fazekas Street, Miskolc – musical class-piano profession

1984-1988: Number 4 Primary School, Tiszaújváros – musical class

Other Studies in Music:

1985-1988: Vándor Sándor Music School, Tiszaújváros – piano profession

Most Important Perfomances

  1. Invitation of the Hungarian Embassy, Moldova

                Parish of St István, Miskolc

                Parish of Páduai St Antal, Budapest

                Church of St Márton, Szombathely

                Urunk Menybemenetele Church, Kecskemét

                Invitation of the Hungarian Embassy, Zagreb

  1. Chapel of Boldogasszony, Pannonhalma

                Reformed Church, Miskolc-Tapolca

                Parish of Nagyboldogasszony, Miskolc

                Parish of St Péter and Pál, Fehérgyarmat

                Parish of Nagyboldogasszony, Jászberény

                New Year’s Eve Concert, Etyek

                Orthodox Church (during the week of Bach), Miskolc

                Riport on Mária Radio, Budapest

  1. New Year’s Eve concert, Etyek

                Citercian Parish of St Bernát, Eger

                Parish of Jesuit, Miskolc

                Parish of Kisboldogasszony, Miskolc

                Parish of Nagyboldogasszony, Miskolc

                Parish of St László, Sárbogárd

                Orthodox Church, Miskolc

                Parish of St Anna, Encs

                Riport on Mária Radio, Budapest

  1. Concert Series

                Parish of Nagyboldogasszony, Miskolc

                Interview on Radio, Eger

  1. New Year’s Eve Concert, Etyek

                Interview on the St István Television, Eger

                Parish of Keresztelő St János, Slovakia

                Benedicitien Abbacy in Tihany

                Parish of St István, Miskolc

                Parish of the Holy Trinity, Szikszó

  1. Parish of Keresztelő St János, Zsámbék

                Invitation of the Hungarian Consulate General, Ukraine

                Bach-marathon, Balatonboglár

                Parish of Havas Boldogasszony, Budapest

                Parish of Jesus’ Heart, Edelény

  1. Concerts for the premiére of the record all over the country

                Premiére of the record in the Parish of St Péter and Pál, Miskolc

                TV Interview on Hír TV, Budapest

  1. Parish of St Péter and Pál, Miskolc
  2. Interview on the St István Radio, Eger
  3. Charity Concert, Opera Festival, Miskolc
  4. Charity Concert, Opera Festival, Miskolc
  5. Baroque, Romantic Musical Nights, Eger

                Bach Concert Series, Miskolc

  1. Bach Concert Series, Miskolc
  2. Premontrei Nights, Zsámbék
  3. New Year’s Eve Concert, Kassa
  4. Charity Concerts
  5. László Kátai’s Requiem’s premiére
  6. Concert Invitation of the Doráti Chamber Orchestra, Salgótarján

International Organ Recital

  1. Milan
  2. Gleschenkirchen
  3. Liszt Ferenc International Organ Recital

Places of Work

2008.-                   Fráter György Primary and AMI School, Sajólád – piano teacher

2007.-                   Kazinczy Ferenc Primary School and First Grade Performing Arts Institution, Encs – piano teacher

2007.-                   I.S.P. Primary School and First Grade Performing Arts Institution, Abaújszántó – piano teacher

2002-2003           Egressy Béni Music School – tutor

  1. Bartók Béla Secondary School of Music – church music

1996-2007           Organist of the Minorite Church, Miskolc